Saturday, January 03, 2004

Vacation time and new year ahead

Being at home makes it easier to connect to the Internet and betting for this blog's continuation.

The trip to Spain was fruitful in contacts. I had the opportunity to participate in a Two day "Jornadas sobre Periodismo Digital (Encounter around on-line journalism) at Universidad del Pais Vasco, in Bilbao.

Interesting presentations, good discussions and a chance to meet and exchange ideas with colleagues working on similar interests. I want to continue having contact with Gorka Palazios and José Luis Orihuela, two scholars interest in weblogs as journalism but also as excellent academic tool.

An interesting blog I find today by Salvador de la Vega shows the importance of combining technical savy with good content.

Weblogs are growing in many directions and this diversity is what makes them so interesting and at the same time so difficult to follow.

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