Thursday, June 17, 2004


Today I have managed to fall from my bicycle, in my way to the office.
I have broken two bones in my left arm. It has taken me more than 4 minutes to type these few words in the blog. It means I will stop bogging for a while.

Monday, June 14, 2004

Creating a "Commons" for digital education

The Norwegian educational technology interoperability project (in short the E-standard Project) is part of the Norway's Ministry of Education and Research's initiative to establish a National Learning Network and a National web portal for education -

They organized activities and workshops in order to discuss and share information. I have received an invitation to a Meeting to take place in Oslo on June 25th.
In the morning the group of experts composed by Hans Marius Graasvold, Thomas Gramstad, Tore Hoel, Jan-Arve Overland, Siri Slettvåg, Vebjørn Søndersrød og Jens Vindvad will present a report where they discuss solutions to implement the sharing of resources. A kind of "Creative Commons" for the digital education?

The invitation is open to people interested in questions of copyrights connected to digital resources in pedagogy and culture.

In the afterrnoon the meeting will be used to discuss not only technogical questions but also the most important issues: what about the pedagogical content?, how it should be structured and organized when presented as digital material?

There will be presentations of tools built in in some of the educational platforms that exist in the norwegian market: it:solutions presents ePlus, and Fronter will show their software Læringssti. Another example to be shown in the afternoon section is the free platform Lectora.

As they state it in their website: "the E-standard Project goal is to put the educational technology interoperability issues on the agenda of the educational community of Norway. What is done internationally will be brought to notice of the national institutions of education and the national ICT industry. Through participation in selected standards organizations the Norwegian input to the standardization process will be conveyed. Of special focus to the Project will be the aims of the portal The Project will pay special attention to learning technology, pedagogy and the needs of different users groups."

I will try to be in Oslo for that meeting.

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