Thursday, February 05, 2004


In the middle of the classroom. I am talking about weblogs to an eager group of Teachers from Fusa Videregående School. They listen attentively and later get initiated in the arts and crafts of creating their own blogs. You can almost touch and feel the excitement that derives from finding a new tool.
A good experience.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Kristin Helen talks about weblogs and learning

New and encoguraging things happen around us all the time.

Today I get a warm invitation from Konrad Morgan to a presentation by Master Student Kristin Helen Andersen who next Tuesday will be discussing in public her thesis work titled:
"Students Use of Weblogs: Weblogs for collaboration in an Educational Setting"

I find the idea of making public presentations of the Master Thesis Students work a must. Because it gives the opportunity to the people interested in a particular object of study to be updated on what is going on around us.

As far as I know this is is not a regular praxis here at the University of Bergen. At least not in all Departments. I would be very glad if it becomes a new praxis at our brand new InfoMedia Department.

I am particulary interested in issues regarding the use of weblogs as an educational tool. Since the theme of this Thesis is particularly atractive to my present research interests I will be attending Kristin Helen's presentation.

It will happen on Monday 9th of February at 11.15am on the 4th floor of the old IFI building

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